Monday, October 20, 2014

"Things in the Mirror" is currently being revised but I thought I would whet your appetite for the re-release of this little ditty but giving you a bit of a taste ;-) Bon apetite

I made it to my bedroom and stupidly flicked the light switch, hoping against hope that it would turn on. I moved slowly through the room towards my night stand and my charging phone. Right before I reached my destination, I tripped over the tennis shoes that I had left lying in front of the bed. I landed hard on my hands and knees, pulling the phone down with me. I checked the charge, decided it would be enough and called my husband at work.
“Hey, honey, I’m just wrapping things up here and then I’m heading home. Everything okay?” Terry asked by way of greeting.
“Everything’s fine, but the stupid lights went out again. You know how much I hate being alone in the dark. How soon do you think you’ll be home?” I replied.
He answered me with an Irish accent, “Faster than a will o’ the wisp tricks an unsuspecting human.”
I laughed softly, which had been his intention, “Okay, then I’ll sit tight until you get home.” I heard him give a long suffering sigh as I pulled the phone away from my ear to hang up and he said, “You can always go down to the basement and check the breaker box yourself, dear.” The condescending tone could be heard before the phone was even placed back to my ear. “I know, but I’d rather wait until you get home to get it done,” I told him sheepishly. It always made me feel childish when Terry used that tone while talking to me about my fears of the dark and mirrors. Maybe they were but I didn’t have any good memories of either. Especially if they were combined.
The rumors of our home being haunted certainly didn’t help matters. Strange incidents had been reported by former home owners and neighbors. Things like the lights going out for no reason. Terry didn’t believe in supernatural or paranormal anything, but I had done an in-depth search before we settled into the place. The only strange things to have happened since we moved in six months before were the lights. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Everything was brand new, from the breaker box all the way down to the wires. Terry had installed it all himself after the first incident.

© DJ Shaw

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