Friday, October 17, 2014

I apologize for being a little late with my nightly teaser on this third night but here it is!

This teaser is from my WIP titled "The Undying Demon". I hope to have this WIP finished by the end of the year so that we can have a 2015 release.

Without further ado, your teaser from "The Undying Demon":

Dani knew that she should have just gone home after work, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She had had a long day at work and needed to unwind before she hit her house to take care of her cat, Cricket. She entered the bar, letting her eyes adjust to the dim lighting before she moved further from the door. As she stepped into the main club from the semi-lit hallway, she found that her eyes needed to adjust some more. The club itself was damn near dark, with only the occasional strobe by the DJ booth.

After her eyes adjusted, she moved towards the bar to order that long awaited drink. She made her way around writhing bodies and screaming people to her destination. Once she arrived, she ordered herself a Jack and Coke, wishing that she could just order the Jack and make the bartender leave the bottle. Taking her drink with her, she moved to a table hidden in the shadows as far away from the dance floor as she could get. She scanned the bar, looking for the thing that had killed her best friend. She knew she was hunting, had been for the last three months, but she wanted this thing. She needed to exact some revenge, not to mention she was working on a book and needed some research into evil.

As she watched the people grinding on the dance floor, her mind wandered back to that night, three months ago, when she found Angie’s body. The image superimposed itself over the couple she had been watching, the position Angie had been in when Dani had found her. She knew it was dangerous to let her mind wander in this moment but she couldn’t stop herself. As she shook herself, bringing her mind back into the present and the task on hand, the smell of raw hamburger was in her nose.

© DJ Shaw

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